Posted by: Derek J. Soto | September 14, 2010

OCD – Dealing With It is where you can get free powerful resources to help you get started on beating your OCD permanently. Read More…

Posted by: Derek J. Soto | February 27, 2010

How to Stop Anxiety?

“This is How I Stopped Anxiety”

This has helped me tremendously and I hope it helps your readers
as well.

Hi, my name is Derek J. Soto, you can google me if you want to

find out more about me. I suffered with Anxiety and OCD for

many years. Over these years I have learned a few things that have

helped me stop these things in my life. I remember when I would go

to public places and I would see all these people moving around, I

would hear all the sounds and this combined with my fear of what

might happen to me because my heart was racing and I was feeling

light headed. I literally thought that there was something wrong with

me physically and I felt that I would pass out everytime I went

anywhere public. I found out that my fear was actually causing

these symptoms. I found out that there was no way that I could

stop my anxiety and OCD until I actually got rid of this fear. I was

told that without fear, excessive unhealthy anxiety cannot exist.

I then found out that my OCD was caused by anxiety, so I knew

I had to get rid of the anxiety and the OCD would go away. Here

are some of the things that I did:

1.) I realized that I had to accept whatever it is that I’m afraid of.

I was afraid that i was going to pass out when I was in public, so

what I would do is go in public and when I felt like I was going to

pass out, I said to myself, “I don’t care if I pass out because they’ll

just call an ambulance and I’ll be taken care of.” For some reason

I never passed out and by repeating this, my brain stopped

believing that I would pass out when I was out in public and so I

no longer feared that this would happen.

2.) I had to learn that anxiety is good and it is there to protect us,

so when I started to feel anxiety come on, I told myself, “This is a

good thing, because I know that my protection mechanism that

keeps me safe is working.” I knew then that i didn’t have to be

afraid of it anymore.

3.) I then started to introduce new thoughts into my mind when

I was having an anxiety attack. So if I was sitting there thinking

about passing out, once I realized that I was focusing on that,

I said, “Stop!” and I asked myself, “What would I rather think

about?” Then I would think about things that made me happy,

which was much funner for me!

I know these are very simple tactics, but try them, try introducing

new thoughts because you cannot control what thoughts pop

into your head. See how your emotional state will change once

you start thinking about the beach, or your spouse and the good

times you’ve had, etc.

This has done wonders for me and I hope it helps you too!

Yours for mental freedom,

Derek J. Soto

To get cutting edge techniques to beat Anxiety and OCD permanently click here: “how to stop anxiety

or go to:

Posted by: Derek J. Soto | January 16, 2010

The Cause of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

The cause of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is not truly known. There is a lot of speculation as to what may have triggered it. Some therapists say that it is something that happened in your childhood. Others say that it could just be an accumulation of your past experiences and current knowledge that makes you react out of fear toward an new experience that almost makes something inside your brain, “snap” so to speak. I would really like to clear up the term “snap.” What I mean by this is that something happens or you have a thought that makes you feel strong feelings like you have to do something such as perform a ritual or something to take away the bad feelings. So you don’t go crazy or anything like that, you just may feel like you do because this new urge is new and scary to you.

The cause of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is one of the very first questions asked by sufferers. The fact of the matter is that you do not need to know how it started in order to stop it! Do you need to know how electricity works to flip the light switch and turn the lights on? Do you need to know how your car engine works to drive the car and to get the desired result out of it? No, so you don’t need to know the origin of your OCD. However it does not hurt to know as well. However if you know what type of behaviors to avoid, it truly does not matter if you know how your OCD started. One of the things that I would encourage you to do is to get a base understanding of OCD and how it works. This way you can at least know what kind of beast you are dealing with. When you know more about OCD, you will feel more comfortable. Knowledge brings a comfort that will aid you in making the right decisions when it comes to OCD.

Many people simply start taking drugs and things of that nature to try to get rid of these thoughts and it’s not really their fault. They are falsely educated that the cause of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a deficiency of the correct chemicals in the brain. The truth is that there is something that caused this deficiency and you really need to get to the bottom of that. There are many things that can contribute to OCD. Some of these things include diet, lack of exercise, too much stress and focusing on negative thinking all the time. The cause of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder may be different in one person and still different in another. The only way that anyone can get rid of OCD however, is to learn a new skill and that skill is the skill of learning how to control what you focus on.

We are no longer spectators in our thought life but now we are participants. The cause of obsessive compulsive disorder is not necessary to get rid of OCD. If you want to truly get rid of your OCD, you must learn how to control what you think about. You cannot just fight a thought because if you fight something, that means that you are focusing on it. If you focus on a thought you are making it stronger. However if you introduce new thoughts while you are thinking of the unwanted thought, you can start to steer your mind’s focus from the unwanted thought to any thought that you would rather focus on. I’ve put together some excellent material going more in depth into the secret world of OCD sufferers below, enjoy!

To get cutting edge techniques to beat OCD permanently click here: “cause of obsessive compulsive disorder

Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who teaches people how to overcome their OCD for good in a very short time using little known techniques which are usually ignored by the medical field altogether.

Derek Soto also mentors people on a wide range of subjects including how to control your thinking naturally, how to defeat anxiety, phobias and how to change your thought processes so that you will be happier and live a more fulfilling life, period.

Article Source:

Posted by: Derek J. Soto | January 13, 2010

OCD Children – How to Help Your Child Through OCD

If your child suffers from OCD, you are not alone. Our children are very important to us and we would do anything to make sure that they have everything that they need. It especially hurts when we see them performing rituals at such a young age.
We may initially feel like there is something wrong with them mentally. There is not. They are using different parts of their brain more, but this can be changed. One thing that you can do to help your child is to reduce the stress around him or her. You need to make sure there isn’t fighting going on around them.
Find out what their fears are. Just asking them what they are may really surprise you. Don’t force your child to talk about it if they don’t want to. make sure that you talk to your child in a loving way and don’t be seen by them as a ruthless dictator. Treat them in such a way that they will want to do what you say, not do it because they fear you.
Treat them the way that you would want to be treated by your boss at work. At the same time. If you are not firm in what you say they will walk all over you. So you’ve got to learn the balance. See how in this article, it tells you what you can change in yourself. This is the best way to change the behavior of others around you.
If it’s in your control, you can do something about it. I have a friend who has three children and is a single mother, it’s definitely not easy to keep your cool around your kids. My sister has two children and she’s a single mother and I can again tell you that it’s definitely not easy especially when your child says some of the mouthy things to you that they do.
So is this an article about parenting? Yes and no. Here’s the meat of it. Here’s a real quick case study. My sister has two children, one of them was three at the time and she noticed OCD behavior in him. He would not eat his yogurt unless he opened it himself. He would throw it away if my sister opened it for him.
She then realized that she was enabling him by letting him open it on his own to satisfy his compulsion. So she simply said in a nice way, If I can’t open it for you, you can’t have one. Of course she still feed him his meals regardless, but she isolated it to this particular item so that she could show him that it was ok if she opened it.
At first I did not know if it would be that successful, but it worked! I have since seen it work in other cases and so I’m confident about writing about it and giving you this information. It’s very valuable. Like all other information, it’s powerless unless you actually use it. Don’t let this article give you an “ah-ha” moment and then do nothing. No, instead, pick your child’s worse OCD and isolate it to that.

To get cutting edge techniques to beat OCD permanently click here: “OCD Children

Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who teaches people how to overcome their OCD for good in a very short time using little known techniques which are usually ignored by the medical field altogether.

Derek Soto also mentors people on a wide range of subjects including how to control your thinking naturally, how to defeat anxiety, phobias and how to change your thought processes so that you will be happier and live a more fulfilling life, period.

Posted by: Derek J. Soto | August 17, 2009

Brain Thoughts – OCD Destroying Techniques

When you are suffering with brain thoughts, especially when it has to do with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, you should know that you really do not have control of the world around you, it is simply an illusion. OCD revolves around your attempt to control something. You do rituals to prevent something bad from happening etc.

Can you see how this is an attempt to control what happens around you? You should know that the only thing that you really ever have control over is how you interpret the information around you. Remember the apostle Paul in the Bible and how he was singing praises to God even when he was in jail! Would you have been able to interpret the data of being locked up like that? I believe that God broke him out of jail because of his attitude toward his situation. If you had an employee, would you not want to have someone like Paul working for you? I know God did!

When we think of brain thoughts when it comes to OCD, we can see that if you believe that you cannot control the thoughts and you keep telling yourself these things, then you are creating your own demise. It is truly a self fulfilling prophecy. What is it that you think drives all of your actions? It is your beliefs about the information around you. It is how you are interpreting the things that you are seeing and hearing and smelling and touching and hearing, etc.

You may have even read my last sentence and said, wait, why did he write etc. when he listed the five senses? People don’t like nit pickers. Let the stupid little details go and focus on what you can do to change you! Being nit picky like this just makes you hated by others and will perpetuate your OCD and if you continue this behavior then you deserve OCD. No, instead you should start to become the kind of person that you want to attract in your life.

Do you want to marry someone who will nit pick you? Do you want to marry someone who has OCD? Probably not. If there is one thing that I would like to instill in you, let it be this, you can only achieve the things that you believe you can achieve. If you believe you can’t get rid of OCD, you are right, on the other hand, if you believe that you can get rid of OCD, you are also right!

Click here to get my OCD e-book for free: “Brain Thoughts

Derek J. Soto helps other get over their OCD the way that he got rid of his. Therapists ask his advice when it comes to helping their clients with OCD, he resides in Orlando, Florida. is where you can get your free OCD Q&A e-book where I answer your OCD questions. Derek J. Soto is an expert in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and having been an ex OCD sufferer himself, will show you how to get rid of your OCD for good.

Posted by: Derek J. Soto | August 17, 2009

Compulsive Obsessive Behavior – How to End OCD For Good!

Compulsive obsessive behavior causes a lot of heartache in millions of sufferers all around the world and I can tell you from experience that it is not as easy! You gotta understand that Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a habit that can be stopped just like you can stop biting your nails or pulling your hair, etc. Forget all the fancy names that the “professionals” give these habits, when you get down to it, this is just what they are, habits! So you can either be ignorant and shake your head and say, nope, you can’t cure OCD and be stuck with it for the rest of your life because of that belief or you can open your mind to the possibility that it can be cured and that there are people out there like me who have had it and real bad for several years and have beaten it!

I want you to understand that you need to realize that it is a problem that you don’t have to live with for the rest of your life in order for me to be able to help you! Compulsive obsessive behavior is not a disease. If you can grasp this concept continue reading, if not, go read some propaganda written by a therapist who wants you to continue coming back to their office so that they can continue to charge your insurance ridiculous fees to talk about your childhood! Wake up! Stop being under the trance of social conditioning and think for yourself! I like people that think for themselves and challenge the status quo, these are the people that actually get things done!

Look at people like Bill Gates. He challenged the status quo and did not even finish college and he is the richest man in the world most of the time! Think about this, we have been told all our lives that in order to be successful you gotta get a degree from a college and then you can be somebody, but all the people that I know that are rich did not finish high school! I know of several marketers right now that make over 100 million a year and they never even went to college! Then the people that I know that finished college, make less than I do and I only went for two years! So challenge the status quo.

Again, I was told by a doctor that I would have OCD for the rest of my life and that I had to take Citalopram for the rest of my life to treat it! I refused to believe this and I searched for people who had OCD and got rid of it! I knew it was possible to beat compulsive obsessive behavior and guess what? I did! It really only boils down to what you believe you can do. I also used to suffer from migraines. When my neurologist told me that I would have to take migraine medications for the rest of my life, I refused to accept it! I went to a chiropractor and learned about ergonomics when I slept, now I have not had a migraine in years! So much for my smarty pants neurologist! Don’t blindly take the word of “experts” however, think for yourself and you can do things that will appear as a miracle to the “sheep” or general population in this world.

Click here to get my OCD e-book for free: “compulsive obsessive behavior

Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who teaches people how to overcome their OCD for good in a very short time using little known techniques which are usually ignored by the medical field altogether.

Derek Soto also mentors people on a wide range of subjects including how to control your thinking naturally, how to defeat anxiety, phobias and how to change your thought processes so that you will be happier and live a more fulfilling life, period.

Posted by: Derek J. Soto | August 17, 2009

Compulsive Disorder Obsessive – True Story of the OCD Cure

Compulsive disorder obsessive thoughts can really ruin your life. Every once in a while you hear about those people who they had OCD and for whatever reason it just went away. These are not true stories of people who had it and beat it. The true stories are when those people who had Obsessive Compulsive Disorder had it and then they get rid of it by their efforts, not wait until it just goes away. When the hard times come back in life, the people who had to put effort into getting rid of their OCD will not have to worry about a relapse while those who just had it go away are doomed to have a relapse.

The whole point of getting rid of compulsive disorder obsessive is to make sure it’s gone for good, wouldn’t you say? I would hope that this is your mindset. I am of the mindset that you should want to take the actions that you have to take so that you never have to face this problem again and even if you face it again you will be so equipped to handle it that there is virtually no way for it to return. I’m talking about resilience to OCD, I’m talking about a mental vaccine if you will. When you take a vaccine, when the disease tries to get you again, the chances of it making you sick are slim to none!

So what can you do to get this mental vaccine? You need to understand that compulsive disorder obsessive is not a disease, it is a habit. This habit can be cruel just like any other habit, such as pulling your hair or biting your nails so excessively that you bleed! You need to give yourself sufficient reasons why not only that you need to quit, but you have to perceive it as though you have to quit! Several shifts have to take place in your brain for you to be even able to get to the point where you can get rid of your Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Another thing that you should definitely know about compulsive disorder obsessive is that the “quick fix” is not as effective as the dedicated following of a system at least at this time. Later on in the future we will be more equipped to almost instantaneously be able to stop habits with little to no resistance in seconds. However the problem in stopping an aggressive habit is not in the changes taking place in the client’s brain, the work is in getting the client to let go of their old beliefs which block the necessary changes. You quit habits in an instant, it’s just getting the client to let go of their old limiting beliefs that is so frightening for the client and challenging for the practitioner.

Sadly most practitioners give up on people with compulsive disorder obsessive tendencies and issues because they do not fully understand enough about the habit in order to offer any real help. If you are seeing someone who claims to be able to help you with this and you have sen them for over 2 months with no results, and very important, you have been doing what they said, you need to find someone else. You must make sure that the statement I said above is only true if you followed their program to the letter!

Click here to get my OCD e-book for free: “compulsive disorder obsessive

Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who teaches people how to overcome their OCD for good in a very short time using little known techniques which are usually ignored by the medical field altogether.

Derek Soto also mentors people on a wide range of subjects including how to control your thinking naturally, how to defeat anxiety, phobias and how to change your thought processes so that you will be happier and live a more fulfilling life, period.

Overcoming obsessive thoughts is not easy for anyone at first. You need to understand that it really is counter intuitive. In fact, the “secret” to most things is counter intuitive! So start to think like this and you will start to see things in ways that you never thought you would. One thing that you should note is that when you simply tell yourself to do something, it does not mean that you will all of a sudden start to do this. Let’s use dieting for example. Millions of people tell themselves that they have to workout or eat less, but often most of them never follow through with it long enough for it to have an impact and worse, some get results, then go back to their old ways and lose all the benefits they got from their previous hard work!

So how can you apply this to overcoming obsessive thoughts? You can do this by simply sticking with something that is working for you until the results are so ingrained that they are permanent. Most people will only do something long enough until they get the result that they want or a result that is “close enough” to the desired result. However, they do not stick with it and therefore lose the result and that is when they say things like, “oh, I tried that, it doesn’t work.” It’s not that it doesn’t work, but rather, you stopped. Period. The reason why they stopped is because they were relying on something called “willpower.” If you are hungry and you keep telling yourself that you are not hungry, after a while you will not be able to keep up this charade and you will give in and pig out!

Instead, you must do things like change your metabolism and become active so that you will not be sitting around thinking about eating all the time. The same thing applies when you are overcoming obsessive thoughts, you must understand that you need to change other habits that make you more susceptible to the habit of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. OCD is something that is so misunderstood that it is really hard to get people to even believe the truth about it. You need to put aside the social conditioning that you have been put through. Think about this, almost all of the commercials on TV are about insurance, lawyers, or pharmaceutical drugs!

When you are overcoming obsessive thoughts you need to understand that it is a viscous beast if you do not understand it, but when you understand it, it’s a gentle kitten that will do whatever you tell it to. If you try to get rid of OCD the wrong way, it’s like trying to lift a thousand pound rock and then hold it up! However, if you have the right mental tools, it will be like lifting up a thousand pound rock with a crane and then setting the crane in the off position when the rock is at the desired height. You can go home and the rock will stay there until you go and start up the crane and lower it again. I want you to have these kind of results when it comes to your OCD! I have some powerful information for you below that I think you’ll enjoy!

Click here to get my OCD e-book for free: “overcoming obsessive thoughts

Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who teaches people how to overcome their OCD for good in a very short time using little known techniques which are usually ignored by the medical field altogether.

Derek Soto also mentors people on a wide range of subjects including how to control your thinking naturally, how to defeat anxiety, phobias and how to change your thought processes so that you will be happier and live a more fulfilling life, period.

Obsessive thought patterns can plague anyone of us at almost anytime, unless we learn how to control our own experience. You see, most people are just along for the ride. What I mean by this is that they simply let whatever happens happens and they are just a spectator in their lives. Meanwhile leaders are not merely spectator in their lives, but they are participants and influence rs and game changers. If you want to have the life that you dream of, someone is not going to come over to your house and just hand it to you, you must work for it. If you want to become OCD free, you must work for it, period.

When it comes to obsessive thought I must tell you that you are causing your own Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and I know that that is not very encouraging, but at the same time it is because if you have control over it, that means you can do something about it, don’t you agree? So what is it then that we can do about OCD so that it is not a problem for you anymore and so that you will never ever have to suffer from it again? We must believe that it is possible. Then what we must do is act on this belief. Do your research on this belief. Your belief about OCD will determine the kind of help that you look for. You will after all find what you are looking for, but you must first ask yourself if you are looking for the right thing. Are you looking for treatments or are you looking for cures?

When I think about my clients and their obsessive thought patterns, I can assure you that these thoughts greatly hinder their positive experiences in their lives and in the lives of the people around them. You see, it’s not easy for anyone to live with someone who has OCD, even if they have it themselves! So you must know that not giving into a ritual will not kill you. Did you know that? Do you honestly believe that? Do you act on this belief or do you act on a different belief? Do you do things just to get “piece of mind” even though you know that you are giving into your Obsessive Compulsive Disorder like a puppet? It’s all determined by how you interpret the thoughts that you have.

Most people that I work with and mentor with greatly disturbed by the obsessive thought patterns that they have. Not much encourages them, that is until they find out that they can do something about it and when I tell them all the things that they can do about it and explain these things to them one by one and then let them practice them over time until they are ready for more things, they start to see a different life that is possible for them and for their family. I want to help you get rid of your OCD too, but you must understand that it is not a pill or a type of therapy or surgery or anything weird that will cure you of your OCD. No, instead, it will be from your hard work and dedication and no it does not have anything to do with “willpower” or “just don’t give in” bs that simply does not work. I have some great free information for you below, enjoy!

Click here to get my OCD e-book for free: “obsessive thought

Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who teaches people how to overcome their OCD for good in a very short time using little known techniques which are usually ignored by the medical field altogether.

Derek Soto also mentors people on a wide range of subjects including how to control your thinking naturally, how to defeat anxiety, phobias and how to change your thought processes so that you will be happier and live a more fulfilling life, period.

Compulsive thoughts, when it comes to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, are really a bigger enemy than they might appear to be at first. See, how OCD starts is by little quirky actions such as Robert in the show Everybody Loves Raymond, where he touches his utensil to his chin before he takes a bite of the food on it. These types of things can easily turn into Obsessive Compulsive Disorder if this person goes through something that is very distressing for them.

You gotta understand that the compulsive thoughts can and will destroy your quality of life if you continue to indulge them. Just the same that that you indulge yourself and eat ice cream every time you feel like it is bad for you, so is giving into these quirky thoughts whenever you have them! Anything in excess in nature is bad, we have seen this when we have rain, it’s good, but when there is too much, there is flooding and damage! When we have dryness it’s good because it balances out the rain, but when there is too much, our crops die and fires start up and other disasters.

The same principle takes place in our brains when it comes to our compulsive thoughts. You must not give in each and every time. If you truly want to be free from these thoughts, you must be willing to not give in to them. It’s odd, but when it comes to OCD, you feel like you need to control something, whether it be your exposure to germs or if you will get that job or not. So you will do rituals to try to control or influence the outcome or prevent something bad from happening. These rituals do not affect the outcome directly, but rather, they affect the way that you think about things which will change the way that you react to things, which will change things that will affect the outcome.

I know that this seems like a lot of information here, but you can see these things in real life. For example, lets say that you have compulsive thoughts about landing a job. So you have a thought that you must touch the car door handle three times when you enter and when you exit or something will happen where you will be rejected. So you touch the car handle this many times. Then you get the job, you may wrongly think that this action influenced your good fortune. However, if you had not touched the handle and got the job, what would you think then?

Most people with compulsive thoughts rarely test this out out of fear. I challenge you to not give in and see the results, otherwise, how else will you know? You see, compulsive thoughts will really ruin your life by making you do all these necessary things that you will feel like you need to hide and this also will make yo feel insecure and miserable inside, which will ruin your quality of life, which will ruin your mood, which will take away your joy, which can cause health problems, which will kill you. In this way, it really is a life or death decision, when you give into OCD, you are starting a chain of events that leads to a miserable life and a quicker death as opposed to the alternative, a happy and longer life by not giving into rituals, which do you choose? Below I have information that will help you learn how to choose the second option with success without using “willpower” which doesn’t work!

Click here to get my OCD e-book for free: “compulsive thoughts

Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who teaches people how to overcome their OCD for good in a very short time using little known techniques which are usually ignored by the medical field altogether.

Derek Soto also mentors people on a wide range of subjects including how to control your thinking naturally, how to defeat anxiety, phobias and how to change your thought processes so that you will be happier and live a more fulfilling life, period.

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